By - Miguel Vescovacci Rodríguez

Third and final round of community meetings announced for the municipalities of the ABCO Consortium

The Municipalities of the ABCO Consortium (Aibonito, Barranquitas, Comerío and Orocovis), in collaboration with MTCG, announce the third and final round of community meetings for the development of the Regional Public Transportation Plan for the Mountain Region of Puerto Rico. The theme of the final round of community meetings will be “Crafting a vision of mobility within communities”. This meeting

By - Miguel Vescovacci Rodríguez

Community meetings announced for Cabo Rojo

Community meetings for the preparation of the public transportation plan for the Autonomous Municipality of Cabo Rojo have been announced for the following dates and locations: August 12, 2021, 9:30 AM @ Puerto Real Community Center August 17, 2021, 10:00 AM @ Museo de los Próceres August 19, 2021, 9:30 AM @ Corozo Community Center PR-301 km 8.5

By - Miguel Vescovacci Rodríguez

Metro Puerto Rico publishes article on the Strategic Transit Plan of Salinas Here is an exceprt of the article published on June 15, 2021. La alcaldesa de Salinas, Karilyn Bonilla Colón informó a la comunidad que el Municipio ha comisionado un estudio de transporte público para identificar y atender las necesidades de movilidad de la ciudadanía por medio del desarrollo de un sistema de transportación pública. “La preparación de dicho plan

By - Miguel Vescovacci Rodríguez

MTCG has been awarded the Development of the Strategic Transit Plan for the Municipality of Salinas

Our firm has recently begun work on the development of a public transportation plan for the Municipality of Salinas, Puerto Rico. Salinas is a southern city on the coast of Puerto Rico and plays a significant economic role in Puerto Rico’s agriculture, boating, fishing and energy industries. The changing landscape in public transit is enabling city governments to become a

By - Miguel Vescovacci Rodríguez

MTCG has been awarded the development of the Cabo Rojo Strategic Transit Pan

Our firm welcomes the news that it has been awarded in a competitive bidding process the development of the Strategic Transit Plan for the Municipality of Cabo Rojo! With an economy driven by retail industries, hospitality and services, Cabo Rojo is one of the largest economic centers in the southwestern region of Puerto Rico. Cabo Rojo’s composite economy is driven

By - Miguel Vescovacci Rodríguez

Public transportation is about economic opportunity

It is known across the transportation industry that transit serves an important role in providing communities with access to public services, education centers, health services and employment. Access to employment is a primary determinant of improving the socioeconomic situation of individuals and households. Many are the stories where individuals cannot pursue better jobs or career development due to the lack

By - Miguel Vescovacci Rodríguez

Motorized scooters: mobility boon or safety hazard?

On March 15, 2021 the Puerto Rico Senate unanimously passed a resolution to order the Commission on Innovation, Telecommunications, Urbanism and Infrastructure to investigate the proliferation of motorized scooters in Puerto Rico. Currently, Act 22 of 2000 does not provide a definition on how to classify motorized scooters, as these are a recent transportation concept that has been popularized by